<< 2015 | Jan | Feb | Mrz | Apr | Mai | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Okt | Nov | Dez | 2017 >> |
09.06.2016 00:00:00
10.06.2016 00:00:00
16.06.2016 09:00:00
16.06.2016 17:00:00
16th of June 2016, 09.00-17.00, at Empa in St. Gallen, Switzerland
The aim is to provide a platform for scientific knowledge transfer and dialog for participants from industry, academia and other independent research centers working in this continuously growing research field. With an increasing interest in industrial application of submicron-sized fibers and respective membranes (e.g. for drug delivery, filter systems, high performance textile membranes, sensor applications), the meeting should emphasize the enormous potential of and the various approaches to e-spun fibers and stimulate new cooperations and networking among the participants.
The conference fee is 250.- CHF for participants from industry and 150.- CHF for members from academia, of other research institutes.
20.06.2016 00:00:00
23.06.2016 00:00:00
<< 2015 | Jan | Feb | Mrz | Apr | Mai | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Okt | Nov | Dez | 2017 >> |